All you need to know about our financials


The Investor pages provide investors and media with a comprehensive overview on AAK’s financial performance as well as information on AAK’s share development and corporate governance. Here you also get access to previous reports and presentations, and you find our financial calendar with information about various activities.

AAK AB is a Swedish registered joint-stock company based in Malmö. The company’s shares are listed on the NASDAQ Stockholm, in the Large Cap segment, Food & Beverage sector.

Learn about our financials in the AAK Annual Report 2023.

To get in touch with Investor Relations, please contact:

Carl Ahlgren, Head of IR and Corporate Communications, at +46 70 681 07 34 or

Amelie Worrall, IR & Corporate Communications Coordinator,
at +46 70 448 64 70 or

The AAK Share

-0.80 / 280.80

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