Customized to match your needs

Welcome to our world of plant-based oils

Education and inspiration


For more than 150 years, we have worked closely with our customers, worldwide and across industries, sharing knowledge and creating innovative solutions. We have established our AAK ACADEMY™, with a holistic approach towards ideation, development, and production success. Why? We are all about Making Better Happen™.

Our courses in oils and fat chemistry, technology, and specific applications are usually held at our premises, but can also be provided at your own facility and customized to match your specific needs.


General Oils & Fats Academy
General seminar in vegetable oils and fats for the food industry
(in English)

Date to be confirmed
Karlshamn, Sweden

Bakery Academy  
Biscuits, Cookies & Filling Fats Academy
(in English)
Date to be confirmed

Biscuits and Cookies
(in English)
Date to be confirmed

Candles Academy  
Candles Academy 
(in English)
September 24-25, 2024
Karlshamn, Sweden
Chocolate & Confectionery Fats Academy  
Tasty and innovative fillings Academy
(in English)
Date to be confirmed
Aarhus, Denmark 
How to Beat Chocolate Bloom Academy
(in English) 
October 9-10, 2024
Aarhus, Denmark 
Dairy Academy  
Dairy Academy
(in Spanish)
Date to be confirmed
Morelia, Mexico
Ice cream Academy
(in English) 
Date to be confirmed
Karlshamn, Sweden
Cheese Academy
(in English) 
Date to be confirmed
Karlshamn, Sweden
Special Nutrition Academy  
Special Nutrition Academy
(in English)
Date to be confirmed
Karlshamn, Sweden

AAK Innovation Days

In addition to AAK ACADEMY™ sessions, we arrange AAK Innovation Days at your facility. During these seminars we facilitate ideation of new possible sweet spots and solutions that could create lasting value. We present new concepts and market trends as inspiration. We evaluate current customer products and customers’ value chain for improvements. Based on the above, we prioritize and commit to the development of selected ideas.

Let’s collaborate and create new values