Croissants Laying on an Oven Sheet - Bakery - AAK

Delicious pastries with layers and texture

Shortcuts to mouth-watering excellence

Laminated and Shortcrust Pastries

Are you making a laminated, puff, or shortcrust pastry? As your bakery partner, we can help you get the most out of your pastry products.

Laminated, puff, and shortcrust pastries are generally high in fat content, but require different fats. We can help you—whatever kind of pastry you are making, no matter which equipment and processes you use.

From crispy laminated pastries …

In laminated pastries, a layer of fat is placed on a dough layer, which is then repeatedly rolled and folded. It’s best to use a firm and plastic margarine or shortening, since the firmness prevents the fat from being absorbed in the dough.  When the pastry is baked, the fat allows for a light, crisp, flaky texture and it also improves the tenderness and taste.

… to crumbly shortcrusts

Shortcrust pastry is typically a simple mixture of flour, fat, water, and salt. The fat is there to ‘shorten’ the pastry and prevent water from hydrating gluten. We usually recommend a relatively soft, plastic fat for easy mixing. This also makes it possible to reduce the amount of fat, while providing your pastry with a crumbly, melt-in-your-mouth character.

Every kind of solution that you need

We offer a variety of laminating fats, including butter blends and premium vegan butter alternatives, which allows your finished product to taste, feel, smell, and look like a traditional butter-based pastry.

Our premium plant-based butter alternatives are designed to give your pastries the same flaky texture, rise between layers, and rich butter flavor as real butter without having to worry about seasonal variations in butter quality.

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